It's once again contest time for you talented artists that have a flare for bringing birds to life.

With over 70 amazing submissions last year, Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks is once again seeking entries for the 2025 Montana Migratory Bird Stamp contest. FWP will continue to use the Montana Migratory Bird Stamp as a tool to generate awareness in the importance of wetland conservation and restoration around the state.

Montana Fish Wildlife and Parks
Image courtesy of MT FWP

The winning contestant receives $2,000. Last year's winner was John Nelson Harris, whose northern pintail entry is shown here.

The 2025 Montana Migratory Bird Stamp will not be required to hunt migratory birds in Montana. To hunt migratory birds, hunters will need a current Montana migratory bird license and their federal duck stamp, the same as in years past.

However, those who purchase a Montana migratory bird license will receive a free collectable sticker showing the winning artwork, information about the Migratory Bird Wetland Program and information about how to make additional contributions. Purchasing a Montana migratory bird license is a great way to support wetland habitat conservation.


Montana Fish Wildlife and Parks
Image courtesy of MT FWP and Michael Zacharisen


Montana Fish Widlife and Parks
Image courtesy of MT FWP and Christine Young
Image courtesy of Montana Fish Wildlife and Parks
Image courtesy of Montana Fish Wildlife and Parks and Cliff Rossberg

Entry deadline is January 31, 2025.  Details on contest rules and entry information can be found on this page of Montana FWP site. In addition to the $2,000 cash prize, the winning artist's entry will be featured on promotional materials throughout 2025. The Wetlands Protection Advisory Council will select the winning art in early February.

When you purchase the stamp, you are showing support for wetlands are critical for many wildlife and aquatic species, which in turn provide critical ecosystem functions like flood control, groundwater recharge and water purification.

Best of luck to all the artists who enter. Here's hoping we can share your winning entry in 2025!

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