Montana's general big game rifle season is on the horizon. And once again that horizon has been darkened.

Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks is asking for help in their investigations of two more poaching incidents. Animals were shot and left to waste. One of the cases involves an appalling decapitation.

FWP says during the first week of October, wardens responded to a report of an elk that was killed and left to waste on private property off the upper Thompson River Road in northwest Montana. The animal's head was removed from the elk and the rest was left to waste.

In the other incident, wardens are seeking information on a cow moose that was shot and left to waste in late September or early October. The moose was found on the Clark-Hinchwood Road (USFS 1027) outside of Plains.

Montana hunters who do things the right way, along with most people, find these senseless acts disgusting. And of course, it's a long shot as to whether the people who shot the animals can ever be tracked down. But, if you're stupid enough to do it, maybe you're stupid enough to brag about it, and that kind of carelessness can sometimes fall on the right ears.

Maybe something you saw or heard didn't seem significant at the time. But even the slightest tip can sometimes lead to a conviction. Montana FWP wardens ask that if you have any information about either of these cases, you can use the state's TIP-MONT page to report what you know. Or you can contact a local game warden.

In the case of the elk, the number to call is 406-250-9498. For information on the moose, the number is 406-240-2271.

You can remain anonymous and are eligible for up to a $1,000 reward.

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