The Biden Administration recently announced that it will resume lease sales for oil & gas drilling on federal lands, but that it would also raise the federal royalties that companies must pay in order to drill.
Senator John Barrasso recently spoke outside of the Senate chambers to address rising gasoline prices, inflation, and more. As always, the Wyoming Senator made no bones about who he believes to be at fault for these high prices.
Former Congressman, Interior Secretary and current Congressional candidate Ryan Zinke spoke to KGVO News on Monday afternoon as he was on the road campaigning.
Senator John Barrasso, fresh off of a Thanksgiving dinner that he said was 'the most expensive in American history,' appeared on Fox News Sunday with Chris Wallace to discuss the Biden Administration's 'Build Back Better' infrastructure plan and its impact on inflation.
It becomes more clear each and every day why Americans are turning away from this current administration and the democrats in general. The elections on Tuesday should have been a wake-up call to that party but instead, they're flooring it.
"Joe Biden wants to give the IRS more power to spy on Americans," Barrasso said. "That's what he's asking for. Just listen to the testimony of his Secretary of Treasury who comes to congress and says she wants to look into the checking accounts, banking accounts of anybody with deposits or withdrawals $600. Republicans are committed to stopping this."