Pork Chop John's

Pork Chop vs. Pasty: What is Butte's Signature Food?
Pork Chop vs. Pasty: What is Butte's Signature Food?
Pork Chop vs. Pasty: What is Butte's Signature Food?
When you're looking at different "signature" dishes from across America, you're going to think of things like the famous Cheesesteak sandwich from Philadelphila. There's pizza, and when you say "New York" or "Chicago" style, it's a given that you either mean ultra-thin or deep-dish and loaded with toppings. Boston has baked beans. Even in Montana, certain towns are known for certain things. Bozeman, at least to me, is synonymous with a Pickle Barrel sandwich. In Missoula, it's a Mo Club burger. Billings has the Burger Dive. But what about Butte?