We've got some incredible breaking news on this Tuesday afternoon: the US Navy's Blue Angels are coming BACK to Billings, Montana in 2026!

Jake Penwell is down in Vegas for the International Council of Airshows (ICAS) conference.

Hey fellas. A little bird just told us that there will be another airshow in 2026. The Blue Angels will be coming back too! August 22 & 23, 2026. LETS FREAKIN' GOOO!!!!

The US Navy's Blue Angels released the full show schedule for 2025 and 2026. Billings, Montana will get to see them once again on August 22-23, 2026!

Good morning Blue Angels fans! Your U.S. Navy Blue Angels released the 2026 air show schedule today at the International Council of Airshows (ICAS) conference held in Las Vegas, NV.
During the 2025 season, we are also celebrating the United States Navy’s 250th anniversary! We look forward to coming to a city near you!


I was at an event up at a hangar at the Billings airport recently...the hangar door was open so I could look out and see the runway, the wide open plains, and the pine trees off in the distance...and it took me back to one year ago and the incredible air show featuring the US Navy's Blue Angels.

As one of only two media people in Billings, I had the incredible honor of flying in the back seat with the US Navy's Blue Angels before the Yellowstone International Air Show.

The best part? Aside from the takeoff straight into the sky...the best part was clearly the near dozen spins in the air as we pulled 7.3 G's over the Big Sky Speedway. (I even joked during the flight that we were flying right over top of Paul Mushaben's ranch. He saw us!) Another favorite highlight was when we flipped upside down and flew upside down practically right over the top of the vehicles travelling northbound between Billings and Roundup.

Here's what I wrote after that flight last year.

Unbelievably Incredible Flight w/ The Blue Angels Over Billings

"Just to get a chance to shake hands with Blue Angels like Lcdr Thomas Zimmerman, the #7 pilot for the Blue Angels, and see the F18 up close is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. But then to get strapped into the backseat, put on a Blue Angels helmet, rocket straight into the sky immediately after takeoff, and eventually pull 7.3 G's...how else can you describe what you were just able to take part in?"

Click Here for More of our Blue Angels Coverage



15 Amazing Facts About the U.S. Navy Blue Angels

The U.S. Navy Blue Angels Aerial Demonstration Team is an incredible thing to see. Scroll on to learn some amazing facts about the Blue Angels.

Gallery Credit: Zane Mathews

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