Montana Constitution: Treason and PropertyMontana Constitution: Treason and PropertyFor us, 50 years later, perhaps the best course is to treat this article like the 1st amendment to the U.S. Constitution: one amendment that spells out five rights.Travis LeeTravis Lee
Frugality from My Forsyth, Montana MotherFrugality from My Forsyth, Montana MotherShe did anything to save and stretch the money earned.Travis LeeTravis Lee
Fixing the Water Gap on a Montana RanchFixing the Water Gap on a Montana RanchSo you wanna be a Cowboy?Travis LeeTravis Lee
Montana Constitution: the Right to PropertyMontana Constitution: the Right to PropertyThe key words in this are the verbs ending in "-ing": pursuing, seeking, enjoying, protecting.Travis LeeTravis Lee
Montana Talks' Aaron Flint a Stunt Double for Tim Sheehy?Montana Talks' Aaron Flint a Stunt Double for Tim Sheehy?The Similarities along with the Resemblance are Uncanny.Travis LeeTravis Lee
Montana Constitution: that Clean and Healthful Environment ThingMontana Constitution: that Clean and Healthful Environment ThingThe last line about corresponding responsibilities should apply, right?Travis LeeTravis Lee
Montana Constitution: Our SovereigntyMontana Constitution: Our SovereigntyIf we really want to exert this sovereignty, we better be ready for the ramifications.Travis LeeTravis Lee
Montana Constitution: the Redundancy of the RightsMontana Constitution: the Redundancy of the RightsWhy paraphrase a set of amendments that spell out fundamental and unalienable rights?Travis LeeTravis Lee
With Estates, It's the Beneficiary vs. the WillWith Estates, It's the Beneficiary vs. the WillEstate Planning takes a lot of information and a lot of thinking. Travis LeeTravis Lee
Why a Montana Sales Tax Probably Won't Win in VoteWhy a Montana Sales Tax Probably Won't Win in VoteIt would be an added burden on Montanans.Travis LeeTravis Lee