The Day The Cowboy Rode Away… Remembering Days Gone By
We all have our morning routines. For me, one of the many things I do, before I shower and get going for the day, is checking Facebook's "Memories". Facebook likes to remind me about those anytime a certain day has a lot of them... and today, it reminded me of an event 3 years ago I, and many family members, had prepared for. The Day The Cowboy, my Uncle Glenn, Rode Away. Otherwise known as the day cancer finally killed my Uncle Glenn.
Memories Last Forever
While crusty-eyed and half awake this morning, sitting in my chair... trying to come back to reality while reading through the memories, this came up from 3 years ago.
And that post instantly threw me back 3 years in time. A time when people were worried about COVID, and doing what they could to prevent it. And, a time when I had no idea what was coming in the next few days... but that, is a story for another time.
That day I drove from Billings to Miles City, trying my hardest to skip past any songs that might remind me of my Uncle Glenn. Though, as usual with my luck and the shuffle feature... my iPhone still managed to get me to cry on the drive there with one song.
And, what do you know? Hearing that all these years later still causes me to shed a tear. But the memories remain. The great times at the nightclub, running the show together with all the awesome people who came and partied the night away.
Not to mention the memories of being a kid, going to visit him at one of his many business adventures... and always being extremely excited to see ol' Uncle Glenn.

But 3 years later, I wish I could call him up quite a bit... sharing the stories of who I met working in this cool radio career... what he's been up to over in Miles City with the band... memories.
I leave you with this... two "master" recordings of my Uncle Glenn. Up first? Big City. By Merle Haggard. Or, as Glenn always said... "Hey! Ol' Merle Haggard Staggard!"
And, finally... the song that always hits me the hardest. The Cowboy Rides Away.
Love ya, Uncle Glenn.