Do you know a paralyzed veteran here in Montana who likes to hunt, fish, and spend time outdoors?

I got a note from our friends at the Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) here in Montana with a great opportunity for a free track chair that has been donated for a veteran here in Big Sky country.

Jeff Schepp is the the State Commander for the VFW for 2022-2023. Here's a note he sent me:
The Department of Montana VFW was approached by the Veterans Coalition of Northwest Montana and they have a tracked wheel chair that they want to donate to disabled Veteran (preferably a amputee) also would be set up for Archery or Rifle along with adapting the vehicle to move the chair. if you know someone that could use it please give them my information.
Jeff's office number for the VFW in Montana is 406-324-3992.
If you know anyone in Montana who could use this, please get a hold of them and the VFW. As anyone who has ever suffered some sort of injury would tell you, not being able to do something that you've always been able to do can be miserable. I know people who don't do the extended or backcountry hunting trips anymore due to back pain or other issues. Even if you can hike in, how are you going to haul the elk out?
Giving a paralyzed veteran something like this can be a life-changer.



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