Missoula’s Annual Veterans Day Ceremony Will Move Indoors Friday
Well, the beloved Doughboy truly became a Snowboy this week, so this year's ceremony is moving inside.
According to organizer Susan Campbell Reneau, the 96th annual Veterans Day celebration will not be held in its usual location, the lawn of the Missoula County Courthouse, near the famed Doughboy statue. The sudden blast of heavy snow along with wind and cold temperatures led to a hasty decision to take things inside the Courthouse.
So, tomorrow (Friday), if you are used to seeing a gathering at the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month of the year, don't be alarmed. Simply step inside the Ryman Street entrance (east side of the building). The event will take place in the rotunda of the Missoula County Courthouse on the first floor right after you walk in the east entrance door.
The keynote speaker, United States Army Colonel Timothy Gardipee, Retired, will open the ceremony with some inspirational words. Colonel Gardipee has a long and distinguished career in the Army and has spent decades helping fellow veterans in the Missoula community.
Full military honors will be rendered by the American Legion Post 27 Color Guard and the Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 209 Honor Guard. Knights of Columbus Patriotic Order will stand at attention.
While a very solemn and beautiful service, Susan did want to remind participants that there is no seating available in the Courthouse rotunda, so those who may require seating are encouraged to bring a folding chair if necessary to insure your comfort during the ceremony.
A salute to all our veterans!
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