The fun-facts folks over at have been scrounging through internet data again, and this time they were researching the oddest things people across the US include on their resumes. Specifically, the "Interests" section of your resume. You know, the part where common sense would have you put down something like, "coaching Little League" or "painting classes" or other safe activities or interests that employers might appreciate. Or, at least not raise eyebrows.

It turns out, job seekers are putting some really strange items on their resumes. They analyzed key words on over 3.5 million real resumes and found some pretty odd words showing up. Check out their map.


In case you can't read that tiny print, you can view the map HERE. What in God's green earth are some of these people thinking?! While the fact that Montanans list "wife" as their other interest is kind of cute, I'm not sure your potential employer really cares.

Even more alarming is that more than one person in Nevada lists "arson" as an outside-of-work interest. Arson? Really? New Mexicans are into aliens and I guess it shouldn't be too surprising that Californians apparently love the Kardashians. Maine job seekers are into leather and for Wisconsin it wasn't cheese or the Packers that made the list of of odd resume words.. it was rapping.

One job seeker included downloading porn at work as one of their job skills, mingled in between normal job skills,

Full lifecycle EMR implementation consulting in the ambulatory environment * Project coordination, change management, and training * Technology proficient – Office products, eLearning/CBT?, illegally downloading porn, hating on UK on Facebook * Interpersonal skills spanning all ages and levels of learning, from all walks of life


You can read the full results of their entertaining (and kind of disappointing?) study here at

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