We had a few calls a while back from callers to our radio show who had questions about the "diverging diamond" interchange planned as part of the new Billings Bypass project on Johnson Lane near Billings.

Will drivers understand the traffic pattern placing them on the left side of the road? Will the bypass be able to handle the weight of vehicles on the bridge over the long term? Those were just a couple of questions from some of our callers, so I thought, why not get the engineers for the project on the show? Especially since this if the first diverging diamond interchange in the state of Montana.

Lisa Olmsted and Doug Enderson from DOWL engineering firm joined us on the air to talk about the project and field listener phone calls. The full audio can be found below. Plus, Lisa mentioned a video now available that shows drivers how the interchange is designed to work. We've got that posted for you below.



Full audio of our conversation with Lisa Olmsted and Doug Enderson of Dowl engineering talking about the Billings Bypass Diverging Diamond Interchange:


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