
The Speaker Battle: Frank Miele Weighs In from The Flathead
The Speaker Battle: Frank Miele Weighs In from The Flathead
The Speaker Battle: Frank Miele Weighs In from The Flathead
Frank Miele is about as MAGA as they come. He's pro "Make America Great Again." He's pro Trump. And he isn't afraid to say what he thinks. So what does the former Daily Inter Lake editor say about the Speaker battle in Congress and how that will impact the US Senate race in Montana?
Both Montana Congressmen Vote Against the Dirty CR
Both Montana Congressmen Vote Against the Dirty CR
Both Montana Congressmen Vote Against the Dirty CR
I know. It's supposed to be called a "clean CR." But I can't in my right mind call it "clean." A spending bill that refuses to address the invasion on our southern border, and continues to send billions to secure other countries is straight up dirty.

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