Located near the geographical center of Montana, the airbase included a top-secret storage facility for a new piece of technology called the Norden bombsight. This week, the former training center was added as an American WWII Heritage City by the National Park Service.
Sometimes those annoying tourists actually do the right thing. It happened this week at the Little Bighorn Battlefield National Monument when tourists discovered a war relic from the infamous battle and instead of slipping it into a pocket, they turned it in.
Montana has some of the most interesting town names I've ever seen, and everyone will know exactly who is and isn't from Montana based on how they pronounce these town names.
He was almost too nice of a guy to be governor. That's how former State Senator John Brenden (R-Scobey) described the late Montana Gov. Stan Stephens. This, after news began to circulate over the weekend that Stephens had passed away.
In case you're wondering what all the history buffs are whooping it up over...the great Montana historian Ken Robison is out with another book. I caught up with Ken Robison earlier this week during our live radio show from Great Falls. His latest book- Historic Tales of Whoop-Up Country: On the Trail from Montana's Fort Benton to Canada's Fort Macleod - is now available