3 Types of Valentine’s Day Couples & Mark’s Advice For A Good Time
As of this writing, we have 38 days until Valentine's Day. Is this a big deal in your relationship? I have had some bad days that fell on February 14th through the years. But also some good ones.
Some of the good ones bring back memories of steak and crab dinners at the Rex or Granary, candlelight, and a nice evening spent together.
Some of the bad ones include a forgotten card, buying roses that were "the wrong color" and trying to defend myself by saying, "But you were the one who said that you didn't want to make a big deal over Valentine's Day!"

I know all the different types of couples and how they handle the big lovers' holiday.
The first type of couple: They have been married forever. You never see them fight. They both know that the other one is not going anywhere, so Valentine's Day is just another day on the calendar. These are my favorite type of couples.
Type two: They haven't been together through the double-digit anniversary years yet. She is counting down the days until February 14th. He is not sure what month the holiday falls in. There is trouble ahead. And I have been him. He's NOT going to like the night of the 14th. But he WILL have a couple of days to watch sports on TV while he is not being talked to.
And the third type of couples: The ones who "never should have got together in the first place". These couples have been together anywhere from one to four years. She is getting tired of hearing "When is he going to put a ring on it?!" from everyone else around her. Meanwhile, he is thinking about using his Cabelas points to buy a new semi-automatic shotgun. These always end poorly. And sometimes publicly, in front of people. Fun to watch. No so much fun to be in.
So let this be your Valentine's Day public service reminder. Go get a card that says the exact thing that you want to say to her. Because even though you can get flowers at the grocery stores on your way home from work on February 14th, the "right" card might not be there.
Some shopping today could save you some apartment hunting next month.