A Montanans Take on the “Sound of Freedom” Movie
The movie "Sound of Freedom" is showing in movie theatres all across Montana. I even saw it on my hometown movie theatre billboard in Glasgow, Montana over the weekend. (Thanks to Kelly Siefert with "The Buzz" for sharing the above photo)
Everyone I've talked to who has watched this movie, which is based on a true story, is highly recommending this film- especially considering the human trafficking operatives that we know are transiting through Montana. And especially considering the drug cartels operating in Montana right now.
John Jackson, "The Joker" from Twitter, joined us Tuesday morning on the radio. At the very end of our statewide show a caller, Timothy in Billings, brought up the movie "Sound of Freedom" and highly encouraged Montanans to watch it. He said the movie highlights how bad sex trafficking is right now, and how it is running right through our country.
John Jackson is a retired federal agent himself who lives here in Montana and also highly recommends the movie. He's actually been to the very province that is visited in the film.
John Jackson: One of the most dangerous places in the world truly...I saw a clip of interviews with Jim Caviezel and Tim Ballard (the character that Jim Caviezel plays)... and they talked about how hard it was to get this movie made. They were filming in Colombia and lost their funding. And the director just popped up and put his own money out on the line and said I'll just put my own money down. Hopefully we will get funding in the future. He just he just counted on the Lord providing.
Aaron Flint: Disney rejected this. The Hollywood establishment rejected it. Now they're outselling Disney. Meanwhile, Rolling Stone, CNN- these leftist media outlets are attacking this film, comparing it to Q anon conspiracy theories. This is based on a true story. This guy is a retired federal law enforcement officer. This guy is a hero. These are real stories about real kids he rescued and they're trashing the movie.
To the liberal media critics, John Jackson added this:
John Jackson: They out themselves. Anybody who comes out against this film, whose primary message is- we have to end trafficking and child sex trafficking. If you're against that-you know the answer.
Click here for Tim Ballard's response to the liberal media critics.
Full audio from Tuesday's show with John Jackson:
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