John Lott, Director of the Missoula based Crime Prevention Research Center, published an opinion piece in Town Hall on February 10 stating that President Trump was not lying about voter fraud, a major piece of his second impeachment trial.

Citing numerous examples, Lott laid out his argument that President Trump was justified in claiming there was voter fraud in the 2020 Presidential election, including how election observers were deliberately kept from their tasks.

“You go back over past elections, it's really hard to go and find any election where observers were excluded from watching the actual ballot counting as systematically across many places, as we saw in this election,” said Lott. “You have to ask yourself why Democrats who controlled those counties would go to such extremes to make it so that observers couldn't observe. You know, even when they would try to pull out binoculars to try to watch the ballot counting from 25 feet away the binoculars were either taken away from them, or they were removed from the room at that point.”

Lott’s research also turned up unusual circumstances in certain voting districts.

“Heavily Republican counties had an unusually high turnout compared to past elections,” he said. “Heavily Democratic counties did not have a high turnout, except in the counties where fraud was alleged. In those counties, they had a truly tremendously high turnout. So you could have two heavily Democratic counties, let's say one in Ohio, and one in Pennsylvania; the one in Ohio, even though it was a swing state or North Carolina, which was another swing state. In the heavily Democratic counties, you didn't see an unusual turnout, you didn't even see unusual turnouts in other parts of Pennsylvania that were heavily Democratic” should be "the one in Ohio, even though it was a swing state or North Carolina, which was another swing state, in the heavily Democratic counties, you didn't see an unusual turnout. You didn't even see unusual turnouts in other parts of Pennsylvania that were heavily Democratic.

Lott also observed in his research that absentee balloting has been banned in the vast majority of other countries, and many because they have experienced voter fraud first hand with absentee ballots.

“I don't know how many times I hear that it's just an illusion or delusion to believe that there's both fraud with regard to absentee ballots,” he said. “You look at Europe. 75 percent of European countries ban absentee ballots for people who live in their countries. We're not talking about just stricter rules, they ban it, and the reason why they ban it is because they used to allow absentee ballots, but they saw that there was significant fraud that has occurred.

Lott’s article appeared in Town Hall. He has been a guest on KGVO’s Talk Back Program, primarily to talk about crime and firearms issues.


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