Here they go again. With Navy SEAL veteran Tim Sheehy leading in the polls, the liberal Montana media is so desperate to prop up Jon Tester, and all they can do now is trot out the same fake news they trotted out 6 months or so ago.

We'll get to that story below, but first- have you noticed how media outlets keep doing stories on a group called "Western Native Voice"? Have you also noticed how they never ask where the group gets their money?

I had a Native American man from Wolf Point call into our radio show a while back. He talked about all of the outside money flooding into the reservations right now. "I just feel like we are being lied to," he added. We talked about how the reservations are getting hammered by Jon Tester's open border policies and the Mexican drug cartels.

But guess who is funding the groups that are providing cover for Jon Tester and his open border policies that are wreaking havoc on reservations in Montana? A far left white guy named George Soros. Yeah, same George Soros who is funding the groups blocking recognition for the Blackfeet Nation.

From 2021 to 2023, George Soros' Open Society Foundation gave over $1 million to Western Native Voice (h/t Caroline Anderegg with CRC Advisors). Who knows how much they're getting from Soros right now in 2024.

Here's a screenshot from the Open Society database:

Credit Open Society Foundation database, accessed on 10/20/24
Credit Open Society Foundation database, accessed on 10/20/24


Now, let's get back to the liberal media here in Montana.

They refuse to ask any tough questions of Jon Tester. If there's a big national news story critical of Jon Tester- they refuse to cover it. But if the liberal NY Times or Washington Post wants to do a hit piece on Navy SEAL Tim comes the liberal Montana media with a copycat follow up.

In case you missed it, earlier this Spring the left wing Washington Post tried to do a hit piece on Tim Sheehy. But when you read the actual story and facts of the matter, it actually makes you think even more highly of Tim Sheehy- especially if you're a veteran. Here's my story from back in April- Powerful: Tim Sheehy Literally Took a Bullet for His Men

The Democrats thought they had the kill shot on Sheehy's campaign with this story. It backfired. We have over 100,000 veterans in Montana. His popularity rose even higher after the Wash Post hit piece. Yet, here they go- trying to repackage the same story to make it sound new by trotting out the anti-Trump park ranger we ALREADY TOLD YOU ABOUT months ago.

Laura Loomer and Mike Berg lay it down below:



Photos: President Trump & Tim Sheehy Rally in Montana

Here are several photos from the rally featuring President Donald Trump, Navy SEAL vet Tim Sheehy, and more at the Brick Breeden Fieldhouse in Bozeman, Montana.

Gallery Credit: Aaron Flint

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