Did the Postal Service Get New Electric Vehicles in Montana?
Did the US Postal Service get some new electric vehicles in Montana?
One of our radio listeners in Billings, who is always a source of great information and leads on information, was passing by the US Postal Service offices earlier this week and he spotted a shipment of some new vehicles.
He wondered if the new vehicles were electric, and if so how they would hold up in the severe winter temperatures in Montana.
So I figured I'd check in with our friends at the US Postal Service. USPS regional spokesman David Rupert tells us that the "NextGen Battery Electric vehicles aren’t being deployed yet." He did say; however; that USPS got 5 new Mercedes Metris Vans in the area here in Montana. He says the vans, which you can see pictured in the photos above, are gas powered, left hand drive vehicles. Apparently a few more are also on their way soon.
I for one hope that our fine postal workers our rockin' this throwback 80's jam while rollin' in the new rigs:
So, to be clear, the USPS did not get new electric vehicles in.
Speaking of electric vehicles, though. Did you see my post from last week about electric vehicle users here in Montana? Apparently electric vehicle users in Montana are "the most frustrated" in the entire nation.
The "Clunker Junker" website says part of the problem for electric vehicle owners in Montana is that there is "just one EV charging station every 1100 sq. miles."
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