Have you watched any of the Olympic events going on in Tokyo? If you answered no, you certainly aren't the only one.  According to the Wall Street Journal, viewership for the Opening Ceremonies was down 36 percent from 2016.

The state does have a presence at this year's Summer Games, with 3 Montanans making their way to Tokyo. Ali Weisz (Belgrade), Nicole Heavirland (Whitefish), and Nick Mowrer (Butte) are representing the Treasure State, with Mowrer returning after participating in the 2012 games.

Overall, there are 41 different sports at this year's Olympics, including some that are new.  3 on 3 Basketball, Skateboarding, Sport Climbing, Surfing, and Karate are all making their debut.  Plus, they have decided to bring back softball and baseball for these Games only.

What is your favorite Summer Olympic event?  What is something you would like to see added?

swimming pool

YouGov asked hundreds of folks what events they would like to see in the Summer Games and while 2 percent said they would like to see Quidditch, like in Harry Potter, the number one answer at 12 percent was Lacrosse. Bowling was a close second, followed by American Football coming in third.

There were several "honorable mentions" when it came to sports that people would like to see, such as Dodge Ball and Roller Skating. It does make you wonder though, if viewership is down, is it time to add more new events?

Teenager rides a bull in high school rodeo sports activitys.

Personally, I would love to see Rodeo added to the Summer Games. While, not a Global Sport, it is certainly popular in the United States, Canada, Mexico, Argentina, and Spain. Plus, I like our chances.

Although, can you turn a Gold Medal into a Belt Buckle?

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