Montana Talks LIVE from Wolf Point 100th Stampede Friday
Stampede coverage thanks to our friends at Nemont Communications who helped make the trip happen!
Someone told me I should be sure to grab a "Catholic Burger" when I'm in Wolf Point this Friday. Uh, that's pretty much the number one reason I am going...
Actually, we're going to be in Wolf Point not only for the great rodeo and other events (not to mention the Catholic Burgers)- we will be in Wolf Point this Friday so that we can help celebrate the 100th Wolf Point Wild Horse Stampede.
We'll be LIVE with Montana Talks statewide from 9-10 a.m. from inside the Stampede Committee room with a great lineup of guests. Clint Long, Haley & Shane Proctor, JJ Harrison and Jim Rodenberg are all scheduled to join us on Friday July 7th at 9am at the Wild Horse Stampede Committee Office from 9 -10 am.
If YOU would like to join us, come down and see me in the 8 a.m. hour at the Stampede Committee Room as I will be set up early so I get a chance to catch up with more folks. It is on the rodeo grounds near the concession stand.
According to a press release from the Wolf Point Chamber of Commerce & Agriculture, "The weekend festivities will start Wednesday evening July 5th with a Steak Fondue at the Big Sky Corral and the Wild Horse Ranch Rodeo at 6 PM, followed by the Kyle Shobe & The Walk ‘Em Boys concert, located at Marvin Brookman Stadium."
Here's more:
Other events and festivities set for the 100th weekend celebration include the “100 Years of the Granddaddy of Montana Rodeo” 2-day parade, carnival, cowboy church, street dance entertainment by Jared Stewart & Jarred Hanson, re-enactors, the famous Catholic Hamburger Stand on Main Street, Stampede Fun Run, TETWP Stampede Roundup Golf Tournament Thursday & Tough Enough to Wear Pink Night, museum pancake breakfast, all-day activities at the Wadopana Pow Wow grounds, rodeo event Calcutta each night pre rodeo and Wild Horse Race Calcutta, rodeo specialty act “Haley Proctor” Trick Riding, Kids Stick Horse Rodeo hosted by Miss Rodeo Montana, bouncy house and Art in the Park.
Here's a little history of the Stampede, thanks to the Wolf Point Chamber:
According to history, the City of Wolf Point was incorporated in 1915 and it was during this time that the local cowboys and Indians would hold an impromptu gathering and stage a little rodeo on the downtown dirt streets on a summer afternoon.
In 1921, The Commercial Club decided to make this an organized event at the ball field just west of where the present-day Wolf Point Junior Senior High School now resides. Since the Palmer Brothers Circus was scheduled to be in town the last weekend in July, it made sense to hold the rodeo in conjunction with the Circus. The weekend rodeo was a grand success and thus the Wolf Point Wild Horse Stampede was born.
Here is the full schedule of events, and big thanks to Christy Stensland for sending this our way:
Screenshot above taken from this video:
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