Why is MT’s Jon Tester Quiet as a Church Mouse?
No, I didn't watch it. I didn't have to. I knew exactly what that debate was going to be like last night and I already know everything about the two candidates I need to know.
It's September 11th you should already know by now as well.
The only one out there that we don't know who he is endorsing is our own Senator Jon Tester. That's gratifying, knowing that one of the closest people to all of this can't make up his mind yet. I wonder why.... In fact do you know of anything that Jon Tester is supporting or endorsing?
What about the Eastern congressional race that he will vote in? Have you heard? I haven't, hell I don't even know who's on the ticket for the democrats. What about another huge election for our supreme court justices, has he endorsed any of them yet? That's another big one since our court just gave little children the right to make their own medical decisions.
Why has he been quiet as a church mouse? It's obvious he is in line with all the liberal progressives in Washington D.C.
We all know who Tim Sheehy is supporting and he's also running running against him. In fact you can see the pictures everywhere. Where are all the pictures with Tester and Kamala? Mike Johnson was here and Tim Sheehy has pictures of the event shaking his hand.
Where are all the pictures of Tester with Chuck Schumer and when will he be here? He had his picture taken with Pearl Jam. He's distancing himself as far away as he can until after the election and then it's back to back stabbing Montana again....
See ya tomorrow at 5 a.m.
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Gallery Credit: Michael Rock