You probably won't run into her out in the field checking licenses and issuing citations. Well, not yet anyway.

But with the fortitude and desire to overcome life-long diseases, 9-year-old Sarah Simmons' story and her love for law enforcement serve as heartwarming inspiration. So much so that it moved Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks personnel to make her an honorary game warden for the state of Montana.

FWP tells us that Sarah, who is from Texas, was sworn in Friday as Montana’s first-ever honorary game warden. The ceremony occurred at the community center in West Yellowstone during a vacation to Yellowstone National Park with her family. The oath of office was administered in front of those family members and several Montana game wardens. And she quickly rose through the ranks, as Sarah was immediately promoted to  sergeant!


Sarah has her own website, Sarah's Warriors, which serves as a resource for other children facing similar challenges. She says she has been interested in law enforcement since she was very young. She also has battled severe life-threatening, incurable diseases since birth. Learning about her story while she was undergoing treatment, some police officers from New Jersey sent her a “battle box,” gifts to encourage her to keep fighting. After receiving the box, Sarah was moved to pay it forward and to send battle boxes to other kids fighting life-threatening diseases.


As word got around through nationwide law enforcement networking, Montana FWP game wardens connected with Sarah, after learning the family would be vacationing in Yellowstone Park. The honorary warden ceremony was presided over by Montana FWP   Chief of Law Enforcement Ron Howell. In group photos, the wardens that are pictured with Sarah are wearing bracelets that Sarah distributes to other children through her battle box program. The bracelets carry the words, "Fight like a llama."

Chief Howell was quoted as saying, “Sarah’s courage in the face of life-threatening adversity and her selfless dedication to helping others are in keeping with the highest traditions of law enforcement and exemplify the values that Montana game wardens live by.”

Check out Sarah's story on her website and Facebook page. It will move you.

We should all be honored to have her in the ranks.

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