Overwhelmed Stepdad Learns of Daughter’s Touching Tribute in Teary-Eyed Video
No matter how well you prepare yourself, you are not ready for the tears in this video.
TikTok user urfavlibra924 recently shared the moment she met up with her stepdad to reveal the last name she chose for her new baby girl.
In the video shared with the simple message "pulling my heart strings," we see the stepdad being asked "guess what her last name is?"
He soon learns the baby was given the same last name as him.
And then, tears.
The text on the video explains the stepdad had raised the now new mom since birth and this was her way of honoring him.
The video already has more than 44 million views in less than four days.
@urfavlibra924 Pulling my heart strings #fyp #biggestblessing #babygirl #stepdad #dadwhosteppedup #wheredoesthetimego ♬ Married Life (From "Up") - Sergy el Som
According to past updates shared by the account, the baby girl was born back in January to the first-time mom.
In more recent videos, it appears she has been getting plenty of quality with mommy's stepdad.
@urfavlibra924 Y’all been asking for more content of papi w the grandbabies #grandparentsoftiktok #blessedwiththebest #loveyousomuch #dadwhosteppedup #fyp ♬ Married Life (From "Up") - Sergy el Som
The ongoing videos have continued to hit commenters right in the feels as they watch the stepdad bond with the little girl.
"Not your stepdad, that's your dad," TikTok user samwise commented on one of the videos.
Others who have been on similar journeys either with or as step-parents are sharing how the videos have connected with them on a personal level.
"As a stepmom that's raised her stepson without bio mom's help since he was 18 months old, I am SOBBING," TikTok user tristaanwhite added to the conversation.