Why did the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) pull back on their Natural Asset Companies (NAC) proposal? Because the cockroaches do not like sunlight. That's what Montana's Attorney General Austin Knudsen (R-MT) had to say at the SHOT Show last week.

Knudsen helped corral several Attorney's General for an impressive AG's Forum focused on gun rights during the world's biggest gun show in Las Vegas.

First off, what are these NAC's?

Utah's Attorney General Sean Reyes (R-UT) described it well.

AG Reyes: There's this devious new abomination that they're trying to create called natural asset companies that will allow foreign entities, including China and others, to purchase public lands directly from the government, and put billions of dollars of unknowing investors investments to not make any money- but to just lock up lands that under FLPMA allow multi use including hunting, grazing, ranching, farming- all these. And what they want to push is non-use. So the this is in conjunction with the BLM. So the BLM is going to say you can't do anything, but we need to fund it from somewhere. And it's going to come from these private sector natural asset companies. But the New York Stock Exchange asked for an exemption of the SEC to allow them to be listed, even though they're highly unconstitutional, and unlawful.

AG Reyes says nobody knew about it and the clock was ticking down, but Republican AGs like Reyes and Montana's Austin Knudsen put the spotlight on the outrageous proposal. In two days, the NYSE withdrew their request from the SEC.

What stopped this NAC proposal at the NYSE?


AG Knudsen: What has really surprised me, frankly, is how how much these groups do not like sunlight. That has been really kind of staggering, just how quickly by us just making a little bit of noise, getting a little media, maybe a TV hit. I truly have been shocked to watch the cockroaches scurry. They they do not like exposure.


AG Knudsen said the tactic was effective not only with the NYSE and the NAC proposal, but also in pushing back against other "woke" attacks on the gun industry.

AG Knudsen: We've been really successful at just putting a little bit of spotlight a little bit of pressure on these groups, telling them- Hey, you're gonna knock this off or our state offices of consumer protection are going to investigate you. Boy they scurry, I've been really- frankly, kind of surprised by that. So that's been really effective.

By the way, AG Knudsen joined us LIVE on the radio from the SHOT Show last week. Full audio is below.

SHOT Show- Montana to Las Vegas

We took the trip from Montana to Las Vegas for the SHOT Show- the world's biggest guns and outdoor gear show. From radio row to the trade show floor.

Gallery Credit: Aaron Flint

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