Montana Teacher Shares Heartfelt “Message for My Soldiers”
If you're a Montana veteran of Iraq or Afghanistan, or have deployed elsewhere across the globe- chances are, you've received a care package from Hunter Jones and his students at Will James Middle School in Billings.
Hunter Jones has been sending care packages to Montana soldiers ever since 9-11. I personally received letters, snacks, and heartwarming messages on four different deployments that I was on. He also has helped organize a massive Veterans Day Assembly at the school every year. In 2013, he was named VFW national teacher of the year.
Mr. Jones has received thousands of letters and emails from the troops over the years. Seven of the flags that have been sent to him have flown over Afghanistan.
This week, he shared a heartfelt "message for my soldiers" on Facebook. You can watch the whole video below. Here's an excerpt:
Hunter Jones: When I watched that withdrawal, I thought of 1975 and the fall of Saigon, and how that made our veterans feel. And this message goes out to our veterans, any veterans, that look at this news and may feel sorrow like I do. My sorrow cannot compete anywhere near with you veterans and the way this ended. I want you to know that there are hundreds of thousands of Americans that love you, care about you, and I'm sure quite a few of them go the extra yard to make you feel cared for. You're loved. You're honored. And here in this school we will continue with that love and honor for our veterans. God Bless you.
By the way, Hunter tells us that he and his students will continue sending care packages to troops who will continue to get deployed. If you have a Montana service member who is or will be deployed, please share their contact info with Hunter Jones.
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