Montana’s AG Standing Up for Ranchers Against Biden BLM
While AG doesn't stand for ag, Montana's AG is clearly standing up for agriculture. Attorney General Austin Knudsen (R-MT) fired back at the Biden Bureau of Land Management for giving special favors to the left-wing American Prairie Reserve (APR), which is working to kick ranchers off the land in Montana.
Montana's AG is getting national attention for fighting for Montana ranchers against the foreign-billionaire funded APR in a fight that I consider ground zero for the Great Reset here in Montana.
Fox News had this headline: Biden admin hit with legal challenge for green-lighting massive plan to take ag lands out of production
AG Knudsen joined us earlier this week on our statewide radio show and had this to say.
AG Knudsen: Under the Taylor Grazing Act, ranching is defined as running cattle, sheep, horses, goats, burros- that's livestock. Bison doesn't appear anywhere in the Taylor Grazing Act. It is specifically left out of that definition. Ranching and livestock has a priority use on federal land. What's happened here is the American Prairie Reserve has come into the BLM and said, 'Hey, we want to lease that land, but not for agriculture. We want to lease it for running buffalo.' Well, that is not an approved use. I'm sorry, you can want it to be so and if you do you should go to Congress and you should get the law changed. But they're not doing that. They've just gone to their friends at the BLM.
AG Knudsen is also leading the fight against gun control and the so-called "buffer zones" in Maryland.
You've also got to check out this story about China and slave labor.
Full audio of AG Knudsen on our Montana Talks statewide radio show with Aaron Flint:
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