Photos/Video: The “Vote Trump” Plane Spotted Near Ballantine, Montana
Look up in the sky, it's a bird, it's a plane. A Trump plane to be precise.
We got a call from Steve in Ballantine, Montana last week. He said he saw the coolest thing. It was one of those yellow crop duster airplanes that you see in the sky during this time of the year across Montana. The pilot was doing the cool acrobatic moves that you would typically see them doing. But then Steve said as he looked up, and there written under the wings were the words "Vote Trump" on the airplane. He said it was the coolest thing.
So I threw it out there on the radio, and said maybe one of our listeners would have a photo and could tell us whose plane it was. Sure enough, the messages started pouring in. "That's Craig Mehling out of Hardin."
I got a hold of Craig thanks to our friend John Machart at KCGM Radio in Scobey. In addition to running the radio station in Scobey (and being a fitness guru), John is also a crop duster.
Craig was gracious enough to share some photos and some video with us. As it turns out, that morning that Steve in Ballantine was calling in to the show, Craig was listening in to the show over his airplane headset. He said it inspired him to add a new addition to the paint job. As you can see below, he's now added "2020" under the tail. Keep your eyes on the sky, keep your head up, and you'll spot it: "Vote Trump 2020."