Pistol Brace Prediction: Montana’s AG Was Right, I Was Wrong
I need to let you know something. I was wrong. And when I'm wrong about something, I need to come out and say it.
I told you my prediction: liberal Senator Jon Tester (D-MT), facing a re-election fight in 2024, will vote against Joe Biden's pistol brace ban. It will be a symbolic no vote, though. It won't actually do anything, since Biden will veto the measure anyway. Tester will have to pretend to be a moderate, he will have to pretend to support gun rights ahead of 2024.
Montana's Attorney General Austin Knudsen (R-MT) disagreed. Here's what he told me back on June 15th:
AG Knudsen: I actually think he will vote against the House resolution. He will vote with Chuck Schumer...
Aaron Flint: Really?
AG Knudsen: I do. I think Jon's not gonna break from his buddy Chuck Schumer. Despite the fact Jon's coming up for re-election and he knows he's got some issues here in Montana.
The AG was right. Liberal Senator Jon Tester (D-MT) ended up voting in support of the Biden pistol brace ban. The National Republican Senatorial Committee (NRSC) called out Tester for his vote:
Jon Tester voted to turn law-abiding Montana gun owners into felons. Tester will always put Biden’s radical agenda ahead of Montana. – NRSC Spokeswoman Maggie Abboud
AG Knudsen went on to call out the Biden Administration for making this move against the 2nd Amendment and pistol braces:
AG Knudsen: Pistol braces were invented to help handicapped people shoot. And that's why this is so egregious. This is a piece of plastic, literally a piece of plastic that you attach to a handgun. It braces it to the shooters arm so the shooter can better control the firearm. Literally invented to help handicapped people. So this is not new. This is an accessory that has been widely available for at least 10 or 15 years now.
The audio of our conversation with AG Knudsen can be found on our June 15th podcast:
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