Montana is full of "characters" and none bigger than the iconic "Stagecoach Mary". Mary Fields was as tough as any man, and would go down in American History.
We watch it fly high over our skies in Helena and on pretty much every flagpole across our state, but do you know how the state flag came to be in Montana?
Mark and I will lead the fundraising to have a secure case to properly preserve this part of Montana and Western history if need be. Shame on the Billings Chamber for this reckless decision.
There's no doubt that Bozeman has changed A LOT in recent years. But if you've been here for 20, 30, 40 or 60 years, your markers of Bozeman history are a blast to compare. Favorite old businesses, schools, (now) major roads that were simply 2 lane dirt paths - HUNDREDS of locals chimed in when we asked this question:
Shelby 1923. 100 years ago Shelby, Montana was home to one of the world's biggest sporting events- Dempsey versus Gibbons. We caught up with the grandson of Tommy Gibbons who will be in Shelby later this summer.