Wondering what they're building next to REI? Surprisingly, it's not another coffee shop, bank, casino, or car wash (although one of those are going up nearby).
I like beer, peanuts, popcorn and caramel. So when I heard a longtime Billings candy shop has combined all four flavors... I had to stop by and check it out.
Dear Future Edgar Bar Owner(s), Speaking on behalf of loyal Edgar Bar fans everywhere, we're writing this note in hopes that you will thoughtfully consider our requests.
Another day, another big retailer is in trouble.
At one time in the not-so-distant past, places like JCPenny, Blockbuster, and Kmart were considered virtually unstoppable. If you would have said, in let's say 1995, that any of those aforementioned businesses would be struggling or basically non-existent by 2023, people would have laughed in your face.
If you follow MMA, then you're surely familiar with the name Shane "Havoc" Fichter. The Billings resident was an absolute animal in the ring during his four-year career in amateur and pro fights in the late 2000s. His story about addiction and recovery is pretty awesome.
Reese and Ray's IGA closed in May. Questions remain on when Albertsons plans to take over the space, but everything inside the store is up for auction.