Crunched by fire calls, Missoula leaders may ask you for tax hikeCrunched by fire calls, Missoula leaders may ask you for tax hikeFire and medic calls have increased by 78% due to Missoula's growthDennis BraggDennis Bragg
Missoula Property Taxes Due Soon, Prepare for Sticker Shock in 2024Missoula Property Taxes Due Soon, Prepare for Sticker Shock in 2024Montanans who pay property taxes should be aware that the second half of their property tax payment is due at the end of May.Peter ChristianPeter Christian
Montana Small Businesses in Danger of White House Tax IncreasesMontana Small Businesses in Danger of White House Tax IncreasesThe National Federation of Independent Business is sending out a warning to all Montana small businesses about a newly proposed tax hike.Peter ChristianPeter Christian
Missoula vacation rental fees could soar to over $500 annuallyMissoula vacation rental fees could soar to over $500 annuallyMissoula staff complain taxpayers shouldn't have to cover cost of inspecting vacation rentals Dennis BraggDennis Bragg