Ten Possible Michelin Star Restaurants in MontanaTen Possible Michelin Star Restaurants in MontanaAll of these places have the potential to be the first Michelin Star restaurant in Montana. Will GordonWill Gordon
Missoula Manager Uses Movie Money to Embezzle Credit UnionMissoula Manager Uses Movie Money to Embezzle Credit UnionHe could be called "Ocean's 1."Travis LeeTravis Lee
Montana Gas Prices Ease Up: Expect Another Drop SoonMontana Gas Prices Ease Up: Expect Another Drop SoonThe seasonal rise in gas prices appears to be over. Nick ChrestensonNick Chrestenson
Bystander and EMT’s Provide Lifesaving CPR During Missoula RunBystander and EMT’s Provide Lifesaving CPR During Missoula RunThe victim had no pulse so they began lifesaving efforts immediately.Peter ChristianPeter Christian
Rally in Missoula Features Donald Trump Jr., Conservative GiantsRally in Missoula Features Donald Trump Jr., Conservative GiantsThe University of Montana’s UC Ballroom turned into a sea of Republican and Conservative red on Sunday afternoon.Peter ChristianPeter Christian
Missoula Man Threatens Officer’s Wife While Resisting ArrestMissoula Man Threatens Officer’s Wife While Resisting ArrestHe was foaming at the mouth and was lying on his back in the starfish position. Nick ChrestensonNick Chrestenson
The Last Great Logging Show in the U.S. Returns to MissoulaThe Last Great Logging Show in the U.S. Returns to MissoulaDiscover why logging shows in the Northwest are dwindling, with only one ProAm event remaining in Missoula.Dennis BraggDennis Bragg
Montana’s Laws Against Squatting are Among The Strictest NationwideMontana’s Laws Against Squatting are Among The Strictest Nationwide“It's functionally impossible in Montana,” AG Knudsen said.Peter ChristianPeter Christian
Fire Smoke Keeps Missoula on “Most Polluted Cities” ListFire Smoke Keeps Missoula on “Most Polluted Cities” ListFind out why Missoula's air quality is under scrutiny in the annual State of the Air report.Dennis BraggDennis Bragg
Reserve Street Group Celebrates Earth Day Cleanup in MissoulaReserve Street Group Celebrates Earth Day Cleanup in Missoula"In the 30 years I've lived in Missoula, it's the healthiest I've seen the area.”Peter ChristianPeter Christian