Montana National Guard

Wings and Wheels event this Saturday at Butte’s Bert Mooney Airport
Wings and Wheels event this Saturday at Butte’s Bert Mooney Airport
Wings and Wheels event this Saturday at Butte’s Bert Mooney Airport
As we get closer to Saturday's "Wings and Wheels" event at the Bert Mooney Airport, it just seems to keep growing bigger and more exciting. It's a car show. It's an aircraft show. There will be skydivers recreating a historic jump out of the "Miss Montana" airplane and there will be a lot of military equipment on hand for you to check out.
The Soldiers of Montana's 163rd Coming Home Thursday
The Soldiers of Montana's 163rd Coming Home Thursday
The Soldiers of Montana's 163rd Coming Home Thursday
The men and women of the Montana Army National Guard's 163rd Combined Arms Battalion and 631st Chemical Company are finally coming home. Big homecoming ceremonies are planned for Thursday in Bozeman and Missoula, along with smaller contingents at airports across the state.

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