We had AI put together a cattle auctioneer monologue for a gender neutral cattle auction. You can't say bull sale, bred heifer, steer...you name it. And we were dying laughing.
Several years ago I was camping on a friend's ranch north of Big Timber one summer when we drove past their sheep dog. That thing was one of the most stately looking animals I had ever seen.
"Half of Montana’s state budget comes from income tax collections, and American Prairie Reserve pays zero. In 2022, APR reported earning $63 million in tax-free revenue."
How many of these multi-generational family ranches here in Montana got their start by a soldier returning from war? Have you heard the latest desperate, anti-veteran attack against Navy SEAL veteran Tim Sheehy?
Jocelyn Cahill: "I've talked to many ranchers dealing with this same nonsense. They're scared to use water on state leases, because they fear DNRC will come for them."