Huge news this morning that the Billings Clinic has announced plans to become a level 1 trauma center.

Billings Clinic became a trauma 2 hospital in 1992 but currently, the states of Montana, Wyoming, Idaho, and South Dakota have no level 1 trauma centers. This level of care is so critical for a state that has the vast miles to cover as we do.

It will take some time and generosity to accomplish this. Start-up costs are about $30 million. The good news is with some donations already in place, they are on their way with about $13 million.

This level 1 trauma ranking will provide us with the best emergency services 24/7. With the closest trauma 1 center in Denver or Salt Lake, this obviously will save countless lives when up and running.

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Plus with my son Jake being an orthopedic surgeon and his wife-to-be an emergency room doctor, this leaves the door wide open for future employment close to home. That would be more of a benefit for me than for you folks but I'm just saying -- it's nice to dream isn't it?

So, why is a Level 1 Trauma Center needed in Montana?

This is much needed for a place like Montana as we are more likely than other states to suffer a disproportionate amount of severe injuries due to our lifestyles.

Montana has the second-worst survival ranking in the nation for trauma, according to 8KPAX News.

The industries in Montana are prone to serious trauma anyway, mining, agriculture, oil, construction, and even our types of recreational activities see the most serious of injuries. Things like motorcycle and 4-wheeler accidents, skiing, and horse riding can lead to some real serious head traumas.

Have a great weekend and stay out of the ER.

See ya Monday at 5 a.m.

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