Top 10 Things Billings Said About Chick-fil-A on Opening Day
Can you believe it? The day is finally here! The community of Billings can finally get their mitts on "The Lord's Chicken"!

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Is it all that it's cracked up to be?
Back at MetraPark, when Chick-fil-A welcomed everyone to try a sandwich, I'll say I enjoyed it. For fast-food chicken, it was pretty spot on. Great price (free) too! Has that changed now that they are under pressure and serving hundreds a day? Or did the community at large say "yeah, right" and skip by the big day?
Thanks to Facebook... we get a bird's eye view of what people think.
Let's take a bite.
10 Things Billings Said About Chick-fil-A on Opening Day
January 19th, 2023... a day to go down in Chikin history! With cows rejoicing that Montanans can now find refuge in a fresh, hot, and buttery chicken sandwich. But... what did Billings think about it? Here are the best comments we could find online.
(Note: All profile photos are stock photos. Asking permission from people, while eating Chick-fil-A, wasn't in the cards)
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If you claim to be a Montanan, there are some things that you just can't do. Otherwise, you may draw some looks from your fellow Big Sky Staters. Here are ten of them.