Yellowstone Bison Calf Guy & Other Montana Podcasts for the Road
***If you're looking for some holiday travel podcasts to download before the weekend- here's some ideas.
We all know the whole world is erupting because some guy in Yellowstone thought he was doing the right thing by pulling a bison calf out of the river, but seriously- why should we throw this guy to the wolves given all the other problems facing this country?
Paul Mushaben is one of the legendary Breakfast Flakes on the Cat Country radio station in Billings, Montana. He and I were on the same page when it came to this story. Paul joined us in our statewide 9 a.m. hour of Montana Talks.
If you missed that, or other conversations recently, I was thinking it would be a good podcast for you to download if you're travelling for the Memorial Day weekend.
Here's our chat with Paul on Thursday:
I threw out the question to some of our listeners- which podcasts do you think folks would want to download and listen to if they're travelling this weekend?
Tim in Savage recommends our conversation with Leor Sapir from the Manhattan Institute. He says that is a must-listen conversation.
Here's a few other Montana specific options for you, especially some of the sidekicks like John Jackson who join us on the show, and great guest hosts like David Knobel.
Also, be sure and check out the Breakfast Flakes' "First News" podcast in the 5a hour. You can download those podcasts by clicking here. Paul Mushaben and Mark Wilson have now been on the radio for more than 35 years in Billings.
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