Beast Mode: Montana Kid Playing Rugby for the Naval Academy
The photo above from "The Buzz" in Glasgow says it all- BEAST MODE. How else would you describe Glasgow, Montana's Dalton Sand who is now playing rugby for the US Naval Academy?
Thanks to Kelly with "The Buzz" in Glasgow for sharing this story and the photos with us.
Apparently the US Naval Academy's rugby team has been number one in the nation (although they just suffered a stunning loss in California). I don't know about you- but some of the toughest people I have ever met are rugby players. And I mean some of the toughest of our nation's toughest that serve in the US military.
Dalton is the son of Josh and Ronica Sand and is a graduate of Glasgow High School. He's a freshman at the United States Naval Academy in Annapolis, Maryland. He was a swim star and track athlete in high school in Montana who ended up deciding to try out for rugby.
The competition was tough, and Sand, never having played the sport before, pushed through with his determination and dedication and earned himself a spot on the Varsity team as well as the travel team. They are in the spring season, with playoffs just around the corner. Sand has earned himself a starting position on the team. Sands' position is a Hooker that throws the line-outs and is in the middle of the scrum.
Dalton's parents told The Buzz that he was selected to play in the Pacific Island Diplomacy Tour this May. The team will be playing 7-man rugby on this tour and will compete in Figi, Samoa, and Tonga. While Sand is busy with Rugby, his military duties and his education, he has also earned the honor of "Midshipman of the month for the first Battalion".
Kelly with The Buzz also tells us that it is also "interesting to note that Dalton was also one of the two Montana American Legion Boys Stater's that were selected to represent the Treasure State at Boys Nation, the other being Cole Taylor, graduate of Opheim High and West Point Cadet. Valley County boys rocked it!"
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