I figure we better do a mid-week Montana mashup of what folks here in Big Sky Country are talking about.

I caught up with John Jackson earlier today. We fielded phone calls and covered a host of topics. John is a retired federal law enforcement officer who has over 70,000 followers on Twitter, but lives here in Montana.

Topping our conversation was the New York Post report citing Department of Homeland Security data that shows the Mexican Drug Cartels made $13 billion off of smuggling illegal aliens into the US. Think about that, Joe Biden and Jon Tester with their open border policies are sending as much money to the Mexican drug cartels and their war on our Southern Border as they are sending to Ukraine.

We also know that the Mexican drug cartels are profiting heavily off of meth and fentanyl distribution here in Montana.

Speaking of Ukraine, why in the world is Randi Weingarten, the head of the American Federation of Teachers, heading to Ukraine? John Jackson had a great response on the radio. He said, the moment Weingarten shows up in Ukraine, math and reading scores for Ukrainian children will drop 40%.

William Perry Pendley headed up the Bureau of Land Management under the Trump Administration. He had a great response via Twitter as well:

Apparently, documented reports of students falling WAY behind in EVERY subject in American schools thanks to @rweingarten are making things so hot for her that she prefers a war zone to escape the heat.

Another story we chatted about with John Jackson was the 30,000 info cards about voting in the elections that were sent out to NON-CITIZENS in Colorado. Check out the full thread commentary by former Montana Senate President Jeff Essmann.

While we're at it...if you haven't seen this one yet:

Every Montana Restaurant That Has Been Featured on Food Network

It's always awesome to see something from your hometown or state on TV. When Food Network comes to town, Montanans are ready. These restaurants have been featured.


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