“Blinking Lights,” Montana Sheriffs Prepping for Multiple Threats
We had a couple callers recently ask about a big meeting involving sheriffs from all across the US, and an apparent meeting with the FBI Director. Apparently they were told to brace and prepare for all sorts of threats facing this country.
That didn't sound too surprising to me, especially since the FBI Director himself testified before Congress about the "blinking lights"- the threats- he is seeing EVERYWHERE right now.
Either way, I wanted to get the take of a Montana sheriff. Cascade County Sheriff Jesse Slaughter joined us on the radio to talk about the recent lockdown at Malmstrom Air Force Base in Great Falls.
Sheriff Slaughter: It's just common sense. I mean, if you look at what happened at the southern border, you're seeing a lot of military aged males from all over the world come in. The data that I've gotten is, women and children usually don't survive the trip, they're oftentimes sold into sex slavery, sold off, all sorts of things to pay the cartels to go to get to the southern border, and unfortunately the women and children become the currency...You're seeing a lot of military age males come into this country. Why are they coming into this country? Are they here to do us harm? Or what are they here to do? And I think you're seeing that and that's your obvious sign that bad times could be coming.
I also got a chance to catch up with a local Disaster and Emergency Services coordinator to cover the same topic, AND what you can do to prepare and help your community respond to a potential emergency.
Full audio of our chat with Sheriff Slaughter and KC Williams, the director of Yellowstone County's Disaster and Emergency Services can be found below.
By the way, if you haven't seen Sheriff Slaughter's "Pursuit Podcast"- check it out. Here's an interview he did with Navy SEAL veteran and US Senate candidate Tim Sheehy a while back.
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Gallery Credit: Rob Carroll
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