We know listeners just can't get enough of Mark and Paul, so we wanted to bring you the best of what they had to say in 2021.

Here's a roundup of their most-read stories from this year:

My Daughter is Tying the Knot. New Traditions are Interesting.

From Paul: "The wedding traditions themselves are very different now as well. For instance, you can now have anyone you want officiate the wedding. I didn't know that you just go down get the official 'I can marry you thingy' and you're all set..."

Stay Away From "That" Part of Billings

From Mark: "Don't get me wrong. I don't think that Billings is headed anywhere in a handbasket. I'm just seeing more criminal activity..."

Frustration and Hopelessness Among Montana Farmers and Ranchers

From Paul: "This has been a year unlike any other we have had in recent memory. The frustration and dismal outlook for a good year in agriculture is all too real..."

What Can You Tell Me About This Building in Billings?

From Mark: "I've lived in Billings a long time and have driven past this building hundreds of times. But I don't know the history of it. It's on Grand Avenue around 60th..."

Finally, Action Taken Against Smash-and-Go Robberies

From Paul: "I know that this type of reckless behavior would never be tolerated where we live. The people would rise up and help. I know the Billings police department would never let that stand..."

Words and Phrases That Prove Montanans Have an Accent

From Mark: "Through my travels, I have met a lot of folks who want to learn about Montana. And that usually gets us to the part of the conversation concerning our accents. I argue that us natives have no accent, unlike those with southern accents..."

Will You Vaccinate Your 60-Month-Old Child?

From Paul: "The bottom line is it's your child and parents and their doctors should make the decision. Not a President, not a Governor, not a superintendent of schools. You..."

Being a Kid Today vs. Being a Kid in the 1970s

"I was talking to my daughter on the phone the other day and I had said about all I needed to say. So I said, 'I'm going to hang up and talk to you later.' She asked me what 'hang up' meant. I laughed because she never had a telephone that hung on the kitchen wall while she was growing up like people my age did..."

Shipping Day at Mushaben Ranch in Montana, The End of Our Year.

From Paul: "It's shipping day. We'll be loading the calves up and sending them to market. It signifies a year's worth of work that has been a huge challenge this year, to say the least..."

Stay Away: Why You Shouldn't Visit Montana This Summer

From Mark: "Gas ain't cheap, there's no fast pass for the National Parks, and there aren't any travel services that reduce travel costs..."

Want to read all Top 10 stories from each of the guys? Get their full roundups here:

A Taste of What a Flakes Trip to Mexico is Really Like

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