It's 5,146 miles from Helena, MT to Moscow, Russia and the state of Montana smokes 'em in a fairly long list of traditionally "made in Russia" products and goods.

I present you with 5 simple product categories where Montana Made is not only a wise choice but the BETTER choice.

(NOTE: The "Made in Montana" Tradeshow is happening on March 11th and 12th, 2022 in Helena at the Lewis & Clark County Fairgrounds, 98 West Custer Avenue.)

Montana agates vs. Russian amber: the Baltic coasts of Russia are famous for their amber mines. (Yes, it's technically mined.) It's pretty stuff but Montana agates are stunning. Most of our agates are moss agates but the color variety is incredible. Montana agates are so admired that they share with the Yogo sapphire the title of our state gemstone. (Montana Gems of Philipsburg, MT)

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Wheat Montana vs. Russian wheat: Russia exports over $8 billion worth of wheat, mostly to China. The state of Montana exported well over $600 million worth of wheat and grain in 2018 alone (latest year data available). Comparing for size, that's a complete win for Montana. (Wheat Montana Farms & Bakery, Three Forks, MT)

Yellowstone (Paddlefish) caviar vs. Russian Beluga caviar: Did you know that those crazy looking Paddlefish actually produce a highly rated caviar? Although it's not a huge market and most would argue that Russian Beluga is held as the gold standard, MONTANA caviar is one of the best domestic caviars. Plus, since we've only got the Paddlefish...Montana caviar is technically WAY more rare :-) Glendive, MT Chamber of Commerce.

American Paddlefish caviar should not be under-estimated. Eating it with a spoon is the way to go. The Caviar Star 1 lb tin was excellent - not too salty and by far better value than many other caviars.


Montana vodka vs. Russian vodka: We got this one, friends, hands down. Montana grain is of such high quality that we were practically born to distill vodka. These days you have tons of award-winning options across the entire state.

Montana honey vs. Russian honey: Russia is very proud of it's honey, in many different varieties. Montana, however, produces some of the finest honey America has to offer. For instance, Treasure State Honey won the Gold medal in liquid honey and Bronze metal in Comb Honey in the year 2019 at Apimondia.

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With Montana's beautiful and varied landscapes, it's no wonder some fantastic movies have been filmed here.

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