If you are a miner who got laid off by the Stillwater Mine, or somebody who is losing your job because of the economic impacts of the mine layoffs- get over to Columbus and link up with the Montana Department of Labor personnel who are on site right now.
Have you driven past the gravel pit in Belgrade, Montana while driving on I90? Imagine a disabled veteran running one of those big machines, but with a remote control and from a remote location.
Montana if full of danger. Wild animals, rough weather, and tough terrain. However, what about dangerous jobs? We take a look at the Top 10 Most Dangerous Jobs.
If coal is dead, then why did I just see a train load full of coal just roll past my house? And where is that coal headed? Here's some great info after we attended the rally for Montana coal in Roundup.
"These deep pocketed liberal environmental groups litigate these attempts to get a mine going in Montana. Look what happened to Stillwater mine. Lost those 700 jobs. What a gut punch to our state."
A listener in Roundup, Montana said it best- we've already lost one mine. We can't afford to lose another. Coming up Friday is a very critical rally for Montana coal and coal miner jobs in Roundup.
Bartmess: It's time for some accountability in Lewis & Clark County, Montana. Not just for what they did to local business owners in the name of COVID-19, but also for how they continue to pile on to the burden of local taxpayers.