In a continuation of a national Veterans Administration rural program, Montana VA Health Care system will be bringing COVID-19 vaccine to Kalispell Wednesday, February 3, by air.

The vaccine, which needs to be stored at very low temperatures, will be flown from Fort Harrison's freezers to Kalispell, where 400 veterans will be getting their initial shots. This is the second distribution of the VA pilot program, which delivered shots to 240 vets in the Havre area January 21st. The Montana health officials will be documenting and sharing their "best practices" to help other rural deliveries of inoculations.

Dr. Judy Hayman, Montana VA Health Care Executive Director, said in a news release, "These vaccines save lives and we are grateful to be able to get these doses to rural veterans as soon as possible. We serve 47,000 Veterans in the fourth largest state in the country. We are able to store the vaccines at three locations at Fort Harrison, Billings and Miles City. All vaccines must then be transported from these sites. Being able to use fixed wing aircraft helps us get these vaccines out quickly and avoid any complications from winter road conditions."

The February 3rd distribution of the Moderna vaccine will be at the Flathead County Fairgrounds. Enrolled veterans should NOT call their local clinic. Instead, the VA has been calling those veterans who are eligible. At this time, they are ones who are 75 years or older or have a medical condition that may put them at an increased risk.

Over 4,800 veterans are served by the Kalispell VA Clinic. They come from a large area area - from Cut Bank to Northern Idaho and from Eureka to Plains.

In a continuation of a national Veterans Administration rural program, Montana VA Health Care system will be bringing COVID-19 vaccine to Kalispell Wednesday, February 3, by air.

The vaccine, which needs to be stored at very low temperatures, will be flown from Fort Harrison's freezers to Kalispell, where 400 veterans will be getting their initial shots. This is the second distribution of the VA pilot program, which delivered shots to 240 vets in the Havre area January 21st. The Montana health officials will be documenting and sharing their "best practices" to help other rural deliveries of inoculations.

Dr. Judy Hayman, Montana VA Health Care Executive Director, said in a news release, "These vaccines save lives and we are grateful to be able to get these doses to rural veterans as soon as possible. We serve 47,000 Veterans in the fourth largest state in the country. We are able to store the vaccines at three locations at Fort Harrison, Billings and Miles City. All vaccines must then be transported from these sites. Being able to use fixed wing aircraft helps us get these vaccines out quickly and avoid any complications from winter road conditions."

The February 3rd distribution of the Moderna vaccine will be at the Flathead County Fairgrounds. Enrolled veterans should NOT call their local clinic. Instead, the VA has been calling those veterans who are eligible. At this time, they are ones who are 75 years or older or have a medical condition that may put them at an increased risk.

Over 4,800 veterans are served by the Kalispell VA Clinic. They come from a large area area - from Cut Bank to Northern Idaho and from Eureka to Plains.

In a continuation of a national Veterans Administration rural program, Montana VA Health Care system will be bringing COVID-19 vaccine to Kalispell Wednesday, February 3, by air.

The vaccine, which needs to be stored at very low temperatures, will be flown from Fort Harrison's freezers to Kalispell, where 400 veterans will be getting their initial shots. This is the second distribution of the VA pilot program, which delivered shots to 240 vets in the Havre area January 21st. The Montana health officials will be documenting and sharing their "best practices" to help other rural deliveries of inoculations.

Dr. Judy Hayman, Montana VA Health Care Executive Director, said in a news release, "These vaccines save lives and we are grateful to be able to get these doses to rural veterans as soon as possible. We serve 47,000 Veterans in the fourth largest state in the country. We are able to store the vaccines at three locations at Fort Harrison, Billings and Miles City. All vaccines must then be transported from these sites. Being able to use fixed wing aircraft helps us get these vaccines out quickly and avoid any complications from winter road conditions."

The February 3rd distribution of the Moderna vaccine will be at the Flathead County Fairgrounds. Enrolled veterans should NOT call their local clinic. Instead, the VA has been calling those veterans who are eligible. At this time, they are ones who are 75 years or older or have a medical condition that may put them at an increased risk.

Over 4,800 veterans are served by the Kalispell VA Clinic. They come from a large area area - from Cut Bank to Northern Idaho and from Eureka to Plains.

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