Insane: Montana Farmers Should See What’s Happening in Europe
During my flight back from the SHOT Show in Las Vegas, I was finally able to sit down and listen to some great podcasts. As someone who talks on the radio for a living, it's nice to be able to sit down and listen to some other folks for a change.
First off, I would highly encourage you to check out Cascade County Sheriff Jesse Slaughter's new "Pursuit Podcast." He does a great job (and he's a great sheriff). I also had the pleasure of sitting down with him and his team recently for one of the podcasts.
I also got a chance to listen in on Dr. Jordan B. Peterson's podcast with Eva Vlaardingerbroek and a German farmer. Jordan Peterson is the renowned Canadian psychologist who recently spoke at an event here in Montana.
In the episode:
They discuss the ongoing farmers' protest, the war on efficient agriculture, what is now being panned as the failed German state, the ludicrous net-zero goals creating excess electric vehicles while cutting off the generation of power, and how a grassroots movement can make genuine change at the local and national levels.
It was a fascinating discussion and very eye opening to show us what the climate lunatic/ Green New deal activists are doing to Europe, and what they want to do to YOU- the American farmer and rancher too.
As Peterson described, from a psychological standpoint, what the Green New Deal activists are pushing- this thought came to mind for me: Their virtuous intent leads to a mischievous reality.
Here's some other notes that I took during the plane ride back to Montana.
Germany is pushing a 10% reduction of farms and farmland. They're also pushing a 50% reduction in farm inputs. The German farmer raised the question: what if a doctor had to reduce medications by 50%? They're also pushing an increase in ag fuel taxes even though the taxes are designed to pay for building roads, and farmers are using equipment on THEIR land, NOT on the roads.
When it comes to energy, they pointed out that Spain imports double the gas from Russia than they did before the Ukraine invasion. Germany could frack for 30 years, but won't. Oh yeah, and Europe is dumping Ukrainian grain into Europe and lowering the price of crops- one more way they're trying to drive the farmers out of production.
I listened to the full podcast on Spotify. You can actually watch the full video below:
SHOT Show- Montana to Las Vegas
Gallery Credit: Aaron Flint
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