Top 5 Incredibly Misguided Reasons People Give For Moving To Montana
This is a head shaker, especially with how many helpful resources there are about living in Montana. So many people insist on holding onto false expectations, incorrect data, and far outdated imagery about what life is really like in Montana. It has always been hard to live here, but there's another set of challenges now.
What's scary is when people from out of state, looking to move here, seem to take what they read in a chat or a Facebook group as gospel. Watch a few episodes of Living Big Sky reruns (which are not aging well) and you're all in? Who on earth does that in this day and age? Social media - you can't be serious that you believe the BS, right?
Why not actually gather your information from reliable sources? Come here for a few visits at different times of the year if you're serious about moving. It's a free country - nobody is going to stop you - but you WILL BE mocked for looking stupid. That's just how it goes when you say or type dumb things.
And don't get me wrong - I'm not just pointing fingers at influencers who decide that they're going to pick up their Insta-life and figure it out here.
I'm talking more so about normal folks and/or families who really should be paying more attention to the details about Montana, their so-to-be new home. Mind boggling.
There are several groups on Facebook and other social media outlets that are dedicated to those looking to move to Montana. (A few are run by local realtors, btw.) But we scoured the ones that are simply full of uninformed folks asking questions and getting terribly uninformed or incredibly out of date responses. Comical, almost.
We were after the best of the best one-liners of the wannabe Montanans - the simply incorrect, and the sadly misguided.
- "My family and I are moving as soon as possible in the Spring because there's much better weather in Montana. Atlanta is unbearably hot." (Sure, the south can be uncomfortably hot and humid. but better weather? Without clearly saying you're looing forward to -40 wind chills in the winter, this is terribly wrong.)
- "I'm moving because there's no people. Plus gas is a dollar more per gallon in WA." (I'm not sure what to say about this one. A wrong reason and a stupid reason.)

- "You can have extended magazines and ARs. And no traffic." (WTF? I've been a gun owner my entire life and that's about the dumbest reason I've ever heard to pack up your life and move anywhere. And you're wrong about the traffic, buddy.)
- "I would rather die in a blizzard then endure another southern heatwave." (Well, you just might get your wish. What an ignorant things to say. People actually die here in blizzards just as you can die in extreme heat, so...)
- "To raise my daughter in an area like where I grew up. Idaho is going liberal." (Um, some of the most conservative laws of any state in the union have been passed in the last couple of years in Idaho...and you think it's going liberal? That's concerning on a few fronts and I have questions.)
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