He tried to warn us. You've got to watch out for those wild hogs in Northeastern Montana. The'yre gonna come down from Canada. And Kelly was right.

Kelly Siefert is the publisher of a great nightly news outfit known as "The Buzz" in Glasgow, Montana. I knew him way back in the day when I was just a kid stuffing newspapers for my Taco Johns and video game money.

Kelly sent me this recent e-mail:

I did a story about wild pigs invading our northern border a couple or three years back, and some of the FWP personnel was rather pissed off about it, saying, "We're not going to have a problem with feral pigs in Montana." They thought it was yet another BS Buzz spoof, but we had it right.

But check this out now: Montana State University Extension to host free feral swine education tour in northeast Montana

* October 3: Border Patrol alerted Sheridan County of a potential wild pig. Authorities were dispatched, and this pig was quickly located. It is believed to be a domestic pig that escaped and crossed over.
* October 6: Another report of possible wild pigs in Hill County was reported 5 miles west of Havre off River Road. We do not know the status of this report since the initial notification.

As KSEN radio in Shelby reports,  "Montana State University Extension will host a feral swine education tour March 5-8 in northeast Montana, with seven stops held for landowners, farmers, ranchers and anyone else interested in attending."
Read More: MSU Extension to Host Feral Swine Education Tour in Northeast Montana | (Link includes full list of events)


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Gallery Credit: Katherine Gallagher

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