Farmer Finishers: What To Expect Next WeekFarmer Finishers: What To Expect Next WeekThis week in Farmer Finishers, we have a lot to cover.Paul MushabenPaul Mushaben
Farmer FinishersFarmer FinishersIt's always tough to get back from the Fakes tripPaul MushabenPaul Mushaben
Farmer Finishers: Veterans, Crime, Upcoming Flakes EventsFarmer Finishers: Veterans, Crime, Upcoming Flakes EventsSee ya at the party and see you Monday at 5.Paul MushabenPaul Mushaben
Farmer Finishers: Taxes, Mayor's Donation, And Dogs In Our ParksFarmer Finishers: Taxes, Mayor's Donation, And Dogs In Our ParksPaul wraps up the week, being halfway through September, with thoughts on a few things.Paul MushabenPaul Mushaben
Farmer Finishers: Hay, Wheat, and FamilyFarmer Finishers: Hay, Wheat, and FamilyPaul and Mark are taking time off next week. Paul will be harvesting on his ranch.Paul MushabenPaul Mushaben
Farmer Finishers: Noose in Billings, Metra Park, and Dry WeatherFarmer Finishers: Noose in Billings, Metra Park, and Dry WeatherKeep watch this weekend, and the rest of the summer, for fires! Plus, Paul has thoughts on the Noose issue.Paul MushabenPaul Mushaben
Farmer Finishers: Jason Aldean, MontanaFair, Chamber PaintingFarmer Finishers: Jason Aldean, MontanaFair, Chamber PaintingSo much happened this week, and Paul has plenty to say about it.Paul MushabenPaul Mushaben
Farmer Finishers on The Sad Reasons Behind High Ag SuicidesFarmer Finishers on The Sad Reasons Behind High Ag SuicidesThe fact that the financial burdens are now greater than ever doesn't help. Paul MushabenPaul Mushaben
Farmer Finishers: Chinese Balloon, Jon Tester’s 1 Minute of Fame with Biden, & Vape DetectorsFarmer Finishers: Chinese Balloon, Jon Tester’s 1 Minute of Fame with Biden, & Vape DetectorsPaul wraps up the week with Farmer Finishers, commenting on some of the biggest stories of the week and what you might've missed.Paul MushabenPaul Mushaben