The Federalist’s Joy Pullman Praises Montanans for Standing Up
A great piece at TheFederalist.com is praising the efforts of pastors, parents, and other concerned citizens who are standing up to drag queen events targeting kids from Illinois to Montana.
Remember the drag queen story hour targeting kids at ZooMontana in Billings? Nearly 200 people showed up to protest the event back in June- including pastors and local parent's groups.
Joy Pullman is the Executive Editor of The Federalist. She is bringing national attention, and praise, to the folks here in Montana who are standing up to the radical agenda being pushed on children. Here's her piece in The Federalist. I spoke with her shortly after her article was published.
Pullman: The reason I wanted to spend time writing about it and sharing with our big national audience is that it's so heartening to see people not just sitting back in their arm chairs and watching another spate of bad news on the television or come across their phone screen, but insteadsaying no- I want to live in a country in which this doesn't happen. We don't sexualize childhood, we don't pretend like this sort of thing is normal.
Pullman says regardless of one's beliefs, it is "intolerant" and "unkind" to be forcing sexual content on children.
Pullman: I've talked with plenty of people who consider themselves homosexual or transgender, and they also oppose doing this in schools and libraries because they don't think it's appropriate. Just like plenty of other people they don't think it's appropriate to be basically pushing this kind of thing on children. Sexual behavior is adult activity that should be reserved for maturity, right?
Here's the full audio of our chat with Joy Pullman:
By the way, Pullman now has a follow up story about how local libraries across the country are also targeting and marketing drag queen events to kids. Here's her follow up piece at The Federalist.
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