USS Montana Submarine Crew in Kalispell, NW Montana
The submariner crew from the USS Montana is on the ground in Western Montana this week. We caught up with the crew from the KJJR Radio studios in Kalispell Tuesday morning.
This week the crew will be visiting the Flathead, the Flathead Indian Reservation, Butte, Boulder, and Missoula.
Commander Jon Quimby is the commanding officer of the USS Montana.
CDR Quimby: Every time I've been here, and it's the hospitality of the people here, the warmth, the reception that we get- and just how everyone is invested in and very curious about what we're doing on the USS Montana. Very proud of the USS Montana name. We understand what it means to represent the fine people...we really appreciate the support from everyone and we definitely see it when we get here.
According to the USS Montana Committee, "The USS MONTANA is a nuclear-powered fast attack submarine, commissioned on June 25, 2022. She has most recently been undergoing upgrades and testing in anticipation of her future deterrence and defense roles. The crew has been training intensively for specific missions that SSN 794 may be called to perform in dangerous parts of the world."
We caught up with Lieutenant Jacob Hodges, the Assistant Operations Officer for the USS Montana. He aids in running all divisions within the Navigation Department.
MMN1 (Machinist Mate Nuclear) Nate Fisher is the 2023 Sailor of the Year of the USS MONTANA. He also joined us from the KJJR studios.
And, we caught up with Culinary Specialist Submarines Chase Rosas. He is the Leading Petty Officer for the Culinary Service Division. As Food Service Leading Petty Officer and Watch Captain, he is known for providing 5-star quality meals. According to the USS Montana Committee, "His division is recognized as the best food service division among all submarines on Norfolk's waterfront. The division produces more than 300 nutritious meals daily. Petty Officer Rosas helps to manage over 400 line items of food inventory valued over $95k."
Just how good is the food? Find out that and more in the audio below starting about 15 minutes in.
LOOK: 20 photos of shipwrecks from WWI and WWII
Gallery Credit: Elias Sorich
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